Archives for posts with tag: life

By chance, I came across a movie with the above title on Netflix, produced by the great or rather infamous Obamas ! Of course, that stirred my curiosity a little more, so I decided to delve into it.

It was rather slow in the beginning, I must admit, but it held my attention long enough for me to see it through to the end. And yes, contrary to all other reviews, I rather liked it ! Why? Because it stirred something inside of me. I could relate to it with what was happening in our real world.

It got me thinking about my own life, and how the world and my life have transitioned so seamlessly. So many changes have been made by governments, authoritative organizations etc., to whom we are mere pawns on the chessboard of life. They throw the dice, they make the move and we move along simply because we have no choice.

We have been unknowingly coerced into thinking and eventually believing that what has been ordained for us by the higher bodies is good for us in the long run. Why? Because that’s exactly what it looks like!

You begin to feel a sense of freedom and liberation. Money comes easy to you. The government puts money into our Ewallet, Grab offers advance cash bonuses, Atome allows you to split your payment into 3 and you get to own that product with your first payment-seamless, cashless!

This is a whole new experience for me, and I’m sure for so many like me out there! When I went to the pharmacy to purchase a few items, I was super excited to spend money that was technically not mine, and how easy it was to scan and own stuff!

I thought to myself, boy! how times have changed! From barter, to cash, to cashless to a digital footprint! In my seventy years of life on this planet, we have moved from pillar to post like one would run in a marathon, with the finish line as the goal!

As much as it is exhilarating, it also sends some shivers up my spine. Where is all this going to lead to? Are we moving too fast, or are we moving too fast but we fail to see it ? The changes are as subtle as they are sudden. One has no choice but to accept and embrace,otherwise it becomes an impediment to your progress in life.

The noose is around your neck. You can either fight it and retreat and have yourself choked or you can comply and move forward, not knowing exactly where all this will lead to. The burners are on, you can’t look to your left nor to your right, but straight ahead.

You realize that you are not the one moving forward. You are actually forced to move because you still have the noose around your neck. It’s hard to say if all this is for our good or for the greater good, but as of now choices are not on the table.

As much as I like the flexibility and the freedom of modern thinking, I know I still have a choice to be old school. But what happens when we transition into a cashless society? My cash will be of no use! I have to join the bandwagon!

A whole plethora of thoughts and clashing emotions is having a wild party inside of my head! Then I console myself that all this and more will not happen in my lifetime. Yet I can’t be so sure ! It could happen in 5, 10 or 15 years!

Coming back to the movie, it got me thinking. Almost everything that was portrayed was actually happening or about to happen imminently ! We all know that there is a dark side to everything. The existence of the Cabal or Deep state has been established . The Dark Web exists. Lyrics to songs have become so stark in their explicit expressiveness. Gone are the days when songs like Endless Love by Lionel Richie , A Man without Love by Englebert Humperdinck, The Power of Love by Celine Dion, etc rocked the world.

The songs I hear on the radio these days shock me- Starships by Nicki Minaj, WAP by Cardi B have ripped the joy and purity out and thrown them in the garbage bin. What is more shocking is that these songs are given a platform to be aired! Why are they being approved? Our children and future generations will be listening to such filth! I shudder to think of what else is out there that will encroach into the sanctity of our homes and our heads via visual and audio media vomit!

Movies, let alone songs, have run short of decent dialogue. Every second word is a cuss word. Vocabulary has been reduced to a handful of derogatory words that fill in for decent dialogue.

The world as we know it is in self-destruct mode. Humans versus humans. One set of humans decides they want to control the world. They decide when to release a deadly virus because they believe depopulation is the answer to many a problem, then they decide to introduce a cashless society to have control over us by inserting a chip (it is already being spoken of), GMO crops which can be detrimental to health, and many such devious tactics all for the greater good, they say.

Our worst enemies are not poverty, sickness, unemployment, etc. Our worst enemy is another human! Sad but true! The manipulators work very well in turning one human against another. There are no best friends anymore, it’s survival of the fittest even if it means eliminating your best friend! This is what I got from watching the movie.

You know what my take is from this? You have to be prepared to protect and safeguard yourself and your family. How do we do it? If you are financially strong, build yourself an underground bunker and equip it with all the amenities you will need to survive for a year. That’s probably how long the world might take to recover and get back to its feet after a nuclear war. Water, canned food (non-perishables), batteries, gen sets, medicines, the works……

Then again, simple folks, like you and me, what can we do? We continue to live, go about our daily routine, be the nice and kind people we were raised to be, and maintain a happy and healthy outlook on life.

The last thing that this planet needs is a nuclear war, and world governments must exercise everything in their power to prevent a war of such a magnitude.. The day every single human values and respects life and all living species, only then will the sacred Feminine, the ruling energy force holding this entire universe together in her loving and caring arms, rise in all her glory to sustain, provide for, and protect us.

Amen to that!

Hey there! Let’s chat about something that’s been on my mind lately-‘aging’. It’s funny how time goes by so quickly. I’ve noticed some changes in myself and my spouse as we’ve gotten older, and what used to be a vase of flowers on the dining table, now has beside it, a rainbow-colored pill organizer, which appears to have taken permanent residence there!

I can’t help but smile as I walk by, reflecting on the journey we have taken together, the battles we have fought and won or are in the process of facing and winning, and the scars and war medals we have earned as a result of our bravery in battling various illnesses and dis-eases! It’s amazing to see how we have evolved over time and overcome so many challenges, and I’m proud of the resilience we have shown.

I am on the threshold of having left my sweet sixties behind, and stepping into the smouldering seventies! What! Wait a minute! Seriously! I find it hard to believe ! It seems so unreal that time has passed by so fast! I could transport myself to the 60’s in an instant and see myself in kindergarten. I can remember my earliest primary school days like they were just yesterday! Those are my ‘youngest’ memories!

This is so amazing, that I can relive my past so clearly. As I approach my 70s, I can’t help but feel a sense of excitement! I mean, who knows what amazing adventures and experiences are waiting for me in this new decade of my life? Sure, my body may not be as firm as it once was, my skin not as taut as before, wrinkles around my eyes, flab flaps here and there, ‘silvering’ hair which I still color because I’m not ready to turn full-on , a few aches and pains here and there, lumps and bumps where they shouldn’t be, but, despite all that, I still feel young at heart, no less vibrant, no less in love with life.

Undergarments have taken a raincheck, an expression of freedom, a new relaxed vibe that I enjoy only within the confines of my home, comfort has replaced style which has reduced my ailing wardrobe to a Netflix limited series, and don’t even talk about my footwear! My beautiful heels have shed their outer layers like a reptilian, having been confined within the walls of my wardrobe as if they were protesting from inactivity, disuse, and dormancy, and the less said about my costume jewelry and sarees, the better.A new sense of liberation!

Returning to the main topic of age, and in this case, of me turning into a debutante of the 70s, it feels good! As I enter the ‘twilight years’ of my life, I see it as an opportunity to discover a new me. It’s a chance to pursue all the passions and dreams that I’ve put on hold for so long, a last chance to attempt something I never dared to do, or a specific time to fix broken dreams and splattered relationships, or breathe,and take in the fresh air. In fact, I feel more alive than ever before! I’m shedding my inhibitions and embracing all the joys that come with age!

I think it’s a reality check vacancy- to discover a new you, live out your closeted ambitions, finish what you didn’t have time to do, embark on something you shelved for years, discover a new passion, visit someone who popped into your mind’s eye, reach out for the phone to talk to someone whose face showed up on your visual screen, to inspire a sad soul, lend a listening ear to a grieving someone…

I want to create memories that will last a lifetime, to give my life that purpose towards a life well spent. Our latter years present the best opportunity to leave our mark in this world. You are that somebody that someone, someday will talk about with a soft expression and a tender voice. It’s the perfect time to leave your indelible mark on the life of a human or humans, to be fondly remembered and talked about for generations perhaps.

Most importantly, I want to leave a legacy. I want to touch people’s lives in a meaningful way, to be remembered for the kindness and love I have shared with them, and with me. I want to leave behind a trail, a treasury of magical whispers that helped transform others’ lives and mine, graceful gestures that spoke to a broken heart and helped bandaid it beautifully, warm hugs that restored confidence in a crumbling persona and helped blossom the inner aura of a battered soul.

So, bring on the seventies! I’m ready for whatever this new decade has in store for me. It’s going to be one, wild, exciting adventure, and I can’t wait to see where it takes me!

Picture this – you’re at a medical clinic for an appointment with a reputed doctor. The first time you visited, the clinical staff was friendly, warm, and caring. You were impressed with the initial welcoming encounter. But, when you returned for your follow-up appointment, you saw a different side to the same cheerful staff. One of them wore a sour and grumpy expression, didn’t even lift her head to look at you in the face, and answered your queries nonchalantly. Would you be shocked and disappointed? 

I bet you would be, just like my friend who experienced this firsthand. She tried asking the receptionist if she was alright, but the response was a silent nod. It’s not just about one bad experience, but also about the fact that such unpleasant behavior can drive patients away from the clinic. 

This begs the question – should grumpy, sulky, and disgruntled people be front desk personnel? A good front desk receptionist is energetic, friendly, and provides excellent customer service, and builds relationships. She assists walk-in clients, schedules client appointments, answers phone lines, and helps clients with their questions and issues. 

It’s not just about being polite and courteous, but also about providing a sense of comfort and reassurance to patients already dealing with health issues. A smiling and friendly reception is probably the first medicine administered to the patient. Instead, imagine being given a dose of quinine when you don’t need or deserve it! 

So, what do we do when faced with such unpleasantness? Do we report it to the doctor or just let it slide? The decision is up to us, as patients, but we should not have to put up with unprofessional behavior, especially when we are paying for the service. 

Let’s pull up our socks and bring this matter to light. By reporting such chilly and inhospitable conduct, we can help clinics improve their services and build lasting relationships with their patients. After all, a good front desk receptionist is the first step towards a positive and successful treatment.